Thursday, December 06, 2007

10 Reasons to Love John Amato

You know, John and I have been friends since grade school. Well, there were a few months in there where he snubbed me for the mechanical-pencil-eraser-shooting crowd, but that's to be expected with puberty. He returned to the nerd with gusto and we've been friends ever since. Here are my top ten reasons why everyone should love John Amato, as if you needed more...

10. He orders the large soup.

9. His dog can never die.

8. When I told him I was going to study in Spain without him, he got pissed and moved to France.

7. When he drinks, he gets blurry.

6. He dates hot chicks. Hotter than you could ever date.

5. He creeps out the shot like no other.

4. He looks like Paul Simon, and that's a rare quality these days.

3. He's doesn't take off his sport coat to eat casserole.

2. He went as himself for Halloween.

1. He's Toledo's #1 entrepreneur. Take that Sarah J. Bates!

And there you have it. Ladies, if that's not criteria for marriage, then I don't know what is.

1 comment:

juplife said...

10. never trust a man that wears khakis.
9. you have a dog that walks like a kangaroo.
8. i couldn't be without you that long.
7. when you get drunk you ride bikes with lopsided tires.
6. you dated a spanish chick. nuff said.
5. true
4. you look like art garfunkel
3. sue's casserole is fricking awesome
2. i love bagel and deli
1. couldn't have done it without you.

thanks dude. that was great.