Monday, December 10, 2007

It's official. I'm freaking out.

Cherry Ann texted me to say she's 1 cm. dilated. I don't know what that means, but it feels like time to freak out. My stomach is in knots. This whole 9 months to have a baby thing is bullshit. It's not like you get an invitation in the mail that smells like flowers and Johnson & Johnson saying, "You're invited to the birth of your son on Dec. 24th at 9:52:26 AM. Please bring a towel." It's more like a phone call at 3am saying, "I'm in labor, get your ass out here, and don't forget the diapers, the onesies and the breast pump." If you need me, I'll be packing the breast pump.

1 comment:

juplife said...

see, aren't blogs great. you can keep everyone up to date without emailing everyone.

don't forget the hooter hider.