Thursday, April 27, 2006

Under Construction

Friends, enemies, and spies, this blog is under construction. The delay was caused in part by academic considerations, namely a thesis paper on soybean supply chains. The tragic loss of my camera at "el Loro" restaurant did not help the situation either. With any luck, this blog will be riding high on the horse in June when I start my job in Indianapolis. I hope to share the sights and sounds of the Indy city with you. Until then, eat more soy. I love you all.

1 comment:

Jim Weaver said...

Nice outfit "O Defender of Milk-allergic Soy Products Man". I'm sorry to see that your time away has dulled your mighty sense of U.S. geography/city monikers-Chicago is the "Windy City". However Indy has its share of Kraft manufacturing contacts (the company that I was informed is the biggest purchaser of Soybeans in the world!). So gorge on that Mac-and Cheese little ones, your vessels are clogging as we speak and there is nothing to do but ask for another helping. As a parting note, I enjoyed my adventure-laden trip through Spain with the Soy Crusader and look forward to his safe passage back to only a 4 hour auto cruise away. The many links await!